Every year, thousands of graduates take the NCMHCE as their final step towards licensure. This one examination stands between them and continued employment as a counselor.
On average, at least 40% will fail every time

The NCMHCE is notorious for being extremely subjective. Many therapists who don’t have a clear understanding of what this test considers ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers fail this exam. Once you have completed my at-home, self-paced program, you will fully understand how to ‘Think Like the Test’ (which is essential for passing).

​My NCMHCE Study Programs cover everything you need to pass including Teaching Videos, Complete Study Guides, and Online Practice Exams.

This fall, the exam will change to its New Format. The New Format will be VERY different from the Current Format. Once you order my program, you will have access to BOTH of my study programs (at no extra charge). NCMHCE Exam

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