wp-admin blank white screen

Here's a comprehensive guide to resolving the wp-admin blank page issue in WordPress. Known as the WordPress admin blank page or wp-admin blank white screen, this problem occurs when you attempt to access the WordPress admin dashboard but encounter a blank page instead of the login form. If you’re experiencing the WordPress admin page blank after login, this tutorial will walk you through fixing the issue: https://malcure.com/blog/security/wordpress-wp-admin-blank-page/.

Common causes of the wp-admin blank white screen include:

1) Theme or Plugin Conflicts (the most likely cause)
2) Corrupted or Missing WordPress Core Files due to failed migrations or upgrades
3) Server or Site Configuration errors from hosting or user settings
4) Website Infection

Before addressing the issue, it’s essential to identify the root cause of the WordPress admin page blank. By default, WordPress doesn’t display errors on-screen, so troubleshooting can be challenging. However, with a simple WordPress configuration adjustment, you’ll be able to pinpoint the exact error, understand its cause, and apply the necessary fix.

wp-admin blank white screen